It is a fine evening. Fine enough for discoveries. And new friendships. And a sandwich decorated with a rose. Or is it a flower. So many roses. So many flowers. Delicious tea. An espresso and chocolate dressed as a red rose. Or is it a flower? It is certainly a fine evening. This is not the time to reveal the place. Nor the story behind it. For, this evening, friendships are born. And the gorgeous giant of a dog has a character of its own, if you please. Right now, it is angry at a cat. But that is not our story this evening. Nor shall we reveal its name. Which is, by the way, just as gorgeous as its majestic stature. This evening is for new friendships. We shall only display gorgeous photos and no hints. Well perhaps, the roses betray its name. Or is it flowers? No matter, for this evening is for new discoveries. And Oh! Casanova was so right when he so romantically announced years and years back: BEGINNINGS HAVE INEXPLICABLE CHARM!
And the chosen array of white flowers was seductively placed in a basket that resembles a bag. or perhaps, vice - versa. But these are details inappropriate for an evening dedicated to friendships. And those beginnings which we are told have oh! such inexplicable charm!