Lynn Modallal Gallery in photos

Lynn Modallal Gallery in the heart of Beirut, Is a visual invitation to contemporary art, and all the freedom it represents.

These pictures were taken today.

A chance encounter, whilst rushing from one activity to the other.

This space, in all that is represents, paves the way to future encounters with this young woman who wanted a different approach to Art and creating.

Thus the birth of her inviting Space which consists of an upper and lower floor.

the works on display entice the Serious Art collector who is not daunted by Large sums of money.

Alongside him The lover of beauty who cannot afford to own unreachable visual feasts. Yet, longs for them. Some might add, even craves them.

Ah! the solace of The imaginations as it transitions to the tangible, unbecoming world.

Could it be, perhaps, an invitation to unleash the artist lurking inside all of us?

The scared artist, by any chance?